Art that stirs the soul

We can’t always define what makes good art, however, we know when a work of art moves us

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Original works of art from Brazil

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This lush field of sunflowers in the south of Brazil inspires all who set eyes upon them. Hidden beyond their undeniable beauty lies a strength of adaptation and the ability to survive in drought conditions that competing crops cannot tolerate.

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O porto ao amanhecer

The Brazilian coastline is dotted with charming little villages like this one in Parati on the Costa Verde (Green Coast) in the state of Rio de Janeiro. These tiny gems, often unknown to tourists, are home to local fishermen who set out each morning in search of the day's catch.

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Corda torcida colorida

What do you see? Take a moment to focus on this unique work of art. The artist uses a powerful combination of color and texture in this spatulated acrylic painting. His aim is to awaken your spirit and stimulate emotions hidden deep within.

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Praia do Sossego

Aptly named, Sossego loosely translates to a feeling of tranquility or inner peace. Praia do Sossego is a picturesque beach in a protected area of the northern part of Itamaracá in the state of Rio. An almost untouched location, ideal for those seeking serenity, it can only be accessed by trail or by sea.

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The culture of Bahia is one of the richest and most diversified in Brazil. The state is considered one of the cultural centers of the country, preserving a rich collection of religious and architectural works, and known as the cradle of typical popular Brazilian cultural, including in cooking, music, and dance.

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Pão de açúcar

Sugarloaf mountian in Rio de Janeiro is known throughout the world for its cable cars and stunning views of the cidade maravilhosa and surrounding beaches. Named in the 16th century by the Portuguese, the name is said to refer to its resemblance to the traditional shape of a concentrated loaf of refined sugar.

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Veleiros ao pôr do sol

Sailboats basking in the evening sunset. Brazilians often say Deus é Brasileiro, God is Brazilian. And there's no stronger connection to the spirit than sailing the warm turquoise waters of the northeast coast of Brazil in the rich colors of the setting sun.

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Jazz and Blues have much in common as both are musical styles originated in the United States by African-Americans, each shares improvisations and long solos, and both, over time, have undergone transformations and mixing with elements from other musical genres.

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Anchored in harbor, the image of these aging sailboats at rest produces a soothing feeling of calm. The serenity of this seascape shrouds in mystery the adventures awaiting those sailors unable to resist the siren call of the sea.

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Brazilian street art

Each work of art presented by Riveart has been individually selected by our curator who has more than 16 years of experience identifying and presenting fine works of art from around the world. 

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  • Corda torcida colorida
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